Working together to help children reach their full potential

School policies (including Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

Hard copies of all our school policies can be requested from the office. You can also view them by clicking the links below.
Please do contact us if you have any questions or need clarification.


Children for Eastwood Nursery School are admitted according to the processes and criteria laid down in the ‘Choosing Nursery Education’ book published by Wandsworth Borough Council. You can contact the Nursery School Office on 0208 876 3976 or email admin@eastwood.wandswoth.sch.uk. or visit the Council’s Family Information Service website for more information.

Our Day Nursery places are allocated on a first come first served basis. You will need to provide a non-refundable deposit to secure a place. Please telephone the administrator on 020 8876 3976 for more information or email edn@eastwood.wandsworth.sch.uk

If you are looking for a free 15 hours early education place for a 2 year old then you will need to apply through Wandsworth’s 2 year old team on 0208 871 5544 to check eligibility and availability. We take as many 2 year olds as we can each year. You can express a preference for a 2 year old place with us and we will notify you if we have one available.

Places in our Resource Base for children with social and communication difficulties are allocated by a Council-led Panel. An assessment by a speech therapist is normally the most basic requirement for this process to begin.

Behaviour Policy

A prime area of learning is Personal, Social and Emotional Development and behaviour issues are taken very much in the context of children learning about their own needs and the needs of others. We avoid ‘rules’ at Eastwood and instead talk to children about feelings, positive behaviours and things that can upset others as learning opportunities. If a child has become upset or harmed as the result of another child’s behaviour we will explain what happened and how we managed the situation to you as quickly as we can. If we need to really focus on an aspect of your child’s personal, social and emotional development, then we will work in partnership with you to try and ensure consistency between home and Nursery, for example by starting a ‘social story’ with you and your child. We can only involve another agency with your consent and would normally work with you to complete an Early Help Assessment first.

Charging Policy

Under Government legislation governors are required to draw up a policy for charges and remissions for visits and all other activities at Eastwood Nursery School and Eastwood Day Nursery. In line with the Finance Manual, we are required to ensure that we have a clear charging policy for all our services. Charges are reviewed on a regular basis and it is an audit requirement that the charging policy be reviewed annually.

Equality and Diversity

Each child is valued as an individual. We ensure that we offer equality of opportunity to all children in every area of our school life. We encourage children to value and respect each other’s differences and aim to reflect different cultures and backgrounds in our activities.

Online Safety

Online safety is an integral part of safeguarding. Accordingly, this policy is written in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ 2018 (KCSIE) and other statutory documents; it is designed to sit alongside your school’s statutory Safeguarding Policy. Any issues and concerns with online safety must follow the school’s safeguarding and child protection procedures.

Privacy Notice and GDPR

This notice is to help parents understand how and why Eastwood collects your child’s personal information and what we do with that information. It also explains the decisions that you can make about your child’s information.

We are giving you this notice because you are able to exercise your child’s data protection rights on their behalf. When your child is older (usually when they reach the age of 13) they will be considered mature enough to exercise their own data protection rights.

If you have any questions about this notice please talk to the Lead Headteacher.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The Governors and staff fully recognise the responsibilities and duty placed upon them to have arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils at the school. We recognise that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm.

We also recognise that children have a fundamental right to be protected from harm and that pupils cannot learn effectively unless they feel secure. The Lead Headteacher, staff and Governors will, therefore, provide a school environment which promotes self-confidence, a feeling of worth and the knowledge that pupils’ concerns will be listened to and acted upon.

We are legally required to investigate and report to the appropriate authorities if we have any reason to suspect that a child is suffering from any kind of abuse. The school will raise Child Protection / Safeguarding concerns with parents / carers at the earliest appropriate opportunity, and work in partnership with them and other agencies to improve outcomes.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Please remember that mobile phones or devices are not allowed to be used in the classrooms or outdoor learning areas. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter.

The school supports the Prevent Strategy, which works to prevent the growth of issues that create a climate which encourages radicalisation and extremism, which in turn can lead to acts of violence or terrorism.

The school works within the curriculum to promote tolerance and respect for diverse views, while challenging prejudice of any kind. We are an inclusive school which values citizenship and a sense of belonging. Pupils are encouraged to share their views and recognise that they are entitled to have different beliefs, but that these should not be used to influence others.

Operation Encompass is an information sharing agreement between the Metropolitan Police and Wandsworth Borough Schools.

If police have responded to a domestic incident and there are children in the family, Operation Encompass will disclose this incident to the child’s school. The actual content of the information shared is kept to the minimum, i.e. outlining the offence, but without specific details.

At Eastwood information is shared with one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads, Wendy Thrussell -Day Nursery Manager, Loren Kennedy-Cobb - Deputy Manager or Kacia Farquharson - Team Leader and is treated as sensitive and confidential.

Research shows that children who are involved or who have witnessed domestic abuse are more at risk of emotional harm and potentially physical harm. The information is shared in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the child, and so that support can be offered to your child if necessary. The school is part of the network available to support you and your child.

If you have any concerns about children’s safety please discuss them with our Deputy Headteacher or Executive Headteacher, or you can contact the Wandsworth Children’s Services Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on Tel: 0208 871 6622 or 0208 871 6000 (out of hours) email: mash@wandsworth.gov.uk (secure email)

Make yourself familiar with our safeguarding policy below.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Eastwood Contributing to the Wandsworth Special Needs Local Offer
All Wandsworth schools and early years settings are required to include on their websites their contribution to the ‘local offer’. This means that across all early years settings in the Borough there is a comprehensive range of services for young children with special educational needs. This webpage indicates our contribution to the local offer. Eastwood’s inclusion statement
Eastwood is an inclusive setting with both the commitment and the experience to ensure that children with a wide range of needs can benefit from, enjoy and make good progress in our day nursery and nursery school and can be fully included on our extensive children’s centre programme. By providing a very individualised approach in which observation and child-initiated learning are central, children will be able to learn at their own rate and in their own unique way. Well qualified, experienced and sometimes specialist staff ensure that children’s progress is carefully monitored and specific skills taught where this will open up the curriculum and ensure each child can access the full range of learning experiences here at Eastwood. At Eastwood, our Special Education Needs Co-ordinator is Wendy Thrussell and she can be contacted on 020 8876 3976 or through admin@eastwood.wandsworth.sch.uk Disclaimer
The information in this report is accurate now, but we regularly review and make changes to what we offer and keep this information as up to date as possible. Feedback
This offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information. If you would like to comment on the content of the offer or make suggestions to improve the information, please email the Admin Team