Discover our Day Nursery
Learning and growing with high-quality daycare

Frequently asked questions

Some Frequently Asked Questions are detailed below. If you have a question that is not answered here please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

The Day Nursery Day

What will my child have to eat during the day?

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  • Day Nursery Day
The Day Nursery Day

What does my child need at Day Nursery?

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  • Day Nursery Day
The Day Nursery Day

Will my child be able to sleep?

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  • Day Nursery Day
The Day Nursery Day

Who can bring and collect my child from Day nursery?

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  • Day Nursery Day

What do I do if my child is unwell?

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  • Health
The Day Nursery Day

Will my child go outdoors?

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  • Day Nursery Day
Day Nursery Registrations

What age can my child start attending the Day Nursery?

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  • Registrations
Day Nursery Registrations

Can I come and see the Day Nursery?

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  • Registrations
Day Nursery Registrations

How do I secure a place for my child at the Day Nursery? (registration fee)

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  • Registrations
Day Nursery Registrations

What is the settling in process before my child starts?

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  • Registrations
Day Nursery Registrations

How are places paid for at the Day Nursery?

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  • Registrations
Day Nursery Registrations

Will my child be able to attend term time only?

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  • Registrations
The Day Nursery Day

How will my child learn during their time at the Day Nursery?

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  • Day Nursery Day
The Day Nursery Day

What support is there for my child to enrich their development?

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  • Day Nursery Day
Day Nursery Registrations

Do you accept EECP Government funding for 2 year olds, universal 15 hours and additional 15 hours (30 hour funding)?

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  • Registrations