Discover our Day Nursery
Learning and growing with high-quality daycare


A typical day at Day Nursery

The children are offered breakfast between 8.00am and 8.20am and will have plenty of opportunities to then explore both the indoor and outdoor provision on offer.

Lunch is served from 11.30am to 12.15pm and the children have afternoon tea between 3.15pm and 4.00pm. Twice a day we also offer children a fresh fruit snack.

Children will have access to a range of exciting resources and experiences, which build on their own interests.

The children also join in with singing, story times and group times. Both classes are also offered weekly forest school sessions at the Roehampton University site.

Further information about a typical day can be found in Day Nursery - FAQs

Oak class

This is where our youngest children at Eastwood Day Nursery start their learning adventures.

A warm and exciting welcome along with our experienced team help our youngest children to learn through play, painting, looking at books, exploring the world around them and communicating.

Even at this young age our focus is on learning and our environment facilitates all children’s communication, physical and social skills. The children have access to cosy and quiet areas in and outside of the classroom. We have a no shoe policy in Oak Class to support our youngest children with learning and exploring safely. Oak Class also offers stimulating first hand play experiences such as mark-making, imaginative play, block-play and an exciting book area for listening to stories and enjoying being part of a group as well as heuristic play sessions. We provide a careful balance of adult-led group activities and play which ensures that there is plenty of interest.

The children also have direct access onto a large outdoor area with age appropriate climbing equipment, a story shed and a mud kitchen. Each child at Eastwood has their own key person who is the main point of contact for the child’s parents and will spend time getting to know the child and family. Key Persons meet regularly with their line manager to talk about the progress of each and every child so we can ensure they are all enjoying and achieving through their play. Throughout the day the children follow an exciting and child friendly routine which encourages their decision making, play and learning.

Oak Class also offers a range of sessions for children attending on an Early Education Childcare Provision place. These include 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions as well as an option for 2 full days.

For more information and to find out if you are eligible for a free 2 year old place contact the 2 year old team on 0208 871 8339.

Our other projects

NIPA (Nursery Inclusion Project for all)
The Day Nursery have been involved with this project since October 2022. The project aims to bring together parents, nursery staff and a range of specialists to help children to do well and be ready for school. A range of specialists involve occupational therapy, speech and language and a yoga therapist, as well as access to different parent workshops.

Care Home Visits
The Day Nursery work in partnership with a local care home. This project offers a range of benefits for the emotional well-being of both the children and the residents who are often isolated from contact with others. The children at Eastwood Day Nursery will have opportunities to further develop their communication skills and personal, social and emotional development. Intergenerational Care is not a new concept, however it is becoming more normalised and being studied more closely at present. It is defined as ‘planned ongoing activities that purposefully bring together different generations in shared settings to share experiences that are mutually beneficial’.

Forest School
Weekly forest school sessions take place each week on the Roehampton University ground located very closely to the Day Nursery. The sessions last for up to 90 minutes and all children have the opportunity to take part in these group sessions in a six week block. Forest school encourages the children to explore the natural environment and learn in it. It is creative and hands on and increasing children’s confidence as they learn how to problem solve and manage risks.

Wandsworth Continental Landscapes
The Day Nursery are fortunate to be supported and work in partnership with Wandsworth Continental Landscapes. They have supported the Day Nursery with the re development of the garden as well as provided high visibility vests for the children’s safety whilst out on trips.